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Romans 12:13 - When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

Strenghtening Families & Individuals

Outreach services focus on residents in the lower-ninth ward and New Orleans East sections.  These were two of the most devastated areas after Hurricane Katrina. Our services include advocacy for basic needs: food, clothing and shelter.  Before any change can be expected within a neighborhood, basic needs must addressed first.  Services provided for basic needs may need to be expanded or developed, if non-existing, in neighborhoods.  Creating and updating a database of food and clothing pantries and locations where hot meals are served is a primary goal of this program. Increasing food pantries and food banks in the ninth ward is a major focus of our advocacy and partnership-building efforts. No one should go to bed hungry and working together, hunger is something we can eliminate.


Echoing Kindness provides technical assistance to families and individuals throughout the greater New Orleans area and the surrounding parishes. Adults, especially the elderly and veterans, throughout the greater New Orleans area and surrounding parishes face three major obstacles to getting the resources and services they need to become self-sufficient or merely improve their quality of life. One obstacle is computer literacy. Another is the interpretation of technical documents that need to be filed for needed services. 

Our services include assisting the elderly and veterans with the completion and filing of applications to receive home improvement grants, monetary benefits, and documents for respite care and delivery of meals through Council on Aging. 

Information and referral services are provided when appropriate or requested. Services requiring ongoing support and intervention are coordinated with the City of New Orleans’ Department of Human Services.  Efforts are made to connect clients with support services offered by surrounding neighborhood churches and senior citizen facilities.  Information and referral services available in the greater New Orleans area can also be obtained by dialing 211.

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